General conditions of the Contract for the provision of fee-based services
the city of Dubai, updated June 3, 2024
1. Terms of the Offer acceptance

The person who paid the invoice is to be referred to as the “Customer”, and Pike Digital FZ-LLC is to be referred to as the “Contractor”.
In case of acceptance of the conditions and provisions set out below and payment for services, the person making the acceptance of this Offer becomes the Customer (acceptance of the offer is equivalent to concluding a contract on the terms set out in such an Offer).

2. Services

Informational or advertising services for PR support of the Customer's events

3. Cost of the Services

The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT. 100% of the cost is due within 2 days from the signing of the contract.

4. Service Provision Procedure

The Customer shall provide the necessary materials and information within 48 hours of receiving the request from the Contractor.
The Contractor creates the material and sends it for approval to the Customer no later than 1 business day before the publication release.
The Customer may make edits no more than 3 times. Additional fee for each edit beyond the free ones: 15 US dollars (national currency equivalent) per edit.
After the material is approved, the Contractor publishes it for a period of 30 calendar days with subsequent removal.

5. Acceptance of the Services

Within 2 days of receiving the services, the Customer has the right to provide written comments. If there are no objections, the Services will be considered accepted.

The Contractor will send the Customer an act within 2 days or upon request. The Customer has 2 days to sign and return the act.

In case of deficiencies that prevent achieving goals, the Contractor will rectify them within three days.
The services will be accepted from the date the parties sign the act or after the time for objections expires.

6. Confidentiality

All information obtained by the Parties under the Contract, as well as the terms of the Contract, are confidential. The Parties ensure the security of personal data in accordance with the legislation.

7. Responsibility

The Contractor is not responsible for the information placed in the informational material if the material or information is provided by the Customer.

In case of providing incorrect data, the Customer undertakes to compensate the losses incurred to the Contractor.

The liability of the Contractor is limited to the amount of monetary funds received for the provision of services, excluding losses and lost profits.

8. Dispute resolution process

All disputes are resolved through negotiations.
The deadline for responding to the claim is 7 days from the date of its receipt.
Disputes shall be considered at the location of the Contractor.

9. Procedure for terminating the Contract

Parties have the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract, and the Party must notify the other Party in writing 10 days before terminating the Contract.
The Contractor has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract in the following cases:
1) The Customer demands unlawful actions;
2) The Customer violates the payment terms for Services;
3) The Customer fails to provide materials and details for more than 48 hours without notifying the Contractor of the impossibility of providing them;
4) During the interaction between the Parties, the Contractor remains reasonably dissatisfied with the quality of materials, information, or services provided by the Client within their activities (discovered during the start of the interaction between the Parties - during the filming process, provision of technical specifications).
5) For reasons not dependent on the Customer (the Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract with full reimbursement to the Customer of the funds paid for the Services).
The Contractor sends a written notice of termination. The Contract is considered terminated from the moment such notification is sent to the Customer. The prepaid amount is subject to withholding if the termination of the Contract is related to reasons stated in points 1-3.
If the termination is related to the reason stated in point 4, the Contractor withholds 50% of the cost as actual expenses under the Contract and refunds 50% to the Customer.
Upon termination of the Contract, the Customer pays for the services actually provided by the Contractor, and the Customer has the right not to transfer created materials in case of non-payment.
If the Customer terminates the Contract after more than half of the service period has passed, the full amount is subject to withholding. In case of termination before the specified period, a refund is made for no more than half of the payment, and in any case, 30% is withheld as a penalty for termination of the Contract for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor.
In case of termination by the Contractor before the end of the term, the Contractor does not compensate the Customer for losses.

10. Additional provisions

Exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity arising from this Contract belong to the Contractor and are not transferred to the Customer for publication on other social media and information platforms.

The Customer may use the specified intellectual property on their own social media, portfolio, and website, with attribution to "PIKE", under additional terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties, and at a fee determined by the Contractor.
The Parties may use electronic or mechanical signatures when signing documents. Correspondence via messengers and email exchanges has legal force within the context of this Contract. Agreements reached through such communications will have the status of supplementary agreements and will form an integral part of this Contract. The Contractor is represented by a manager or editor who will communicate with the Customer.


The Contractor
Pike Digital FZ-LLC
A/C Number: 9862497348
Currency: AED
IBAN: AE880860000009862497348
© Pike Digital FZ-LLC. All rights reserved.
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