tell us about your project, business or product in our most luxurious pike
why our advertising works so wel
In all the cities where pike can be found, our audience consists of loyal, modern urban dwellers who love to spend money and avoid disappointment when it comes to our brand.
Attracting an audience
We offer over 10+ collaboration options to suit any preference, from review posts to joint merchandise. We'll definitely find something that resonates with your audience
Winning Hearts
expanding into other markets
Pike is already present in five countries around the world, and this number continues to grow each year. Therefore, we are well-versed in the nuances of each region and can assist in creating the perfect collaborative project
Increasing performance
To boost performance, you can choose a collaboration format that will enhance the desired metrics, such as views or reach. We will also share all campaign results with you.
why our advertising works so well
review reels + stories
place in the reels collection
review post + stories
Full PR package
note in the telegram channel
reach from 6 000
reach from 1 600
reach from 11 000
reach from 11 000
reach from 1 700
reach from 8 000
reach from 8 000
5 072 AED
945 AED
2 205 AED
3 675 AED
individual terms
840 AED
let’s look
at the formats
Comprehensive Packages
roasting project
place in the events collection (post)
place in the thematic collection (post)
787,50 AED
от 1 000 $
473 AED
630 AED
and more details
place in the events collection (post)
review post + stories
review reels + stories
473 AED
2 205 AED
787,50 AED
3 675 AED
format example
place in the reels collection
840 AED
place in the thematic collection (post)
630 AED
note in the telegram channel
roasting project
Full PR package
individual terms
945 AED
1000 $
5 072 AED
Comprehensive Packages
Work details
  • That’s important: we write reviews based on the editorial team's personal impressions. We won't sugarcoat anything, and if something didn't meet our expectations, we'll highlight the nuances. Furthermore, as our experience shows, shedding light on such aspects ultimately helps improve customer service. However, often the quality of establishments allows us to avoid encountering negative issues.

  • If, for some reason, our visit results in a negative experience only, we will refund 50% of the cost. We will not publish the review, or we will publish the truth – this is negotiable.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) You fill out the brief, providing us with all the details about your project.

2) Next, we discuss the date and time of the shoot. If we are shooting a review of an establishment, we also discuss the amount of the required deposit.

3) On the scheduled day, we come to the location, get to know the project, and shoot the review.

4) Next, we write a post, supporting the basic information with our own impressions. We also edit the content and prepare stories.

5) We send it for approval. It’s possible to make adjustments if needed (3 revisions are free). If everything’s fine, we publish it.
  • Timing: After the shoot, we put you in the queue and discuss the release date of the advertisement. Usually, it takes around 1 week.

  • Additionally, we can include a giveaway of your product / service / deposit to our audience for 400 AED

  • You can also obtain all the recorded content for 350 AED.

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • That’s important: we write reviews based on the editorial team's personal impressions. We won't sugarcoat anything, and if something didn't meet our expectations, we'll highlight the nuances. Furthermore, as our experience shows, shedding light on such aspects ultimately helps improve customer service. However, often the quality of establishments allows us to avoid encountering negative issues.

  • If, for some reason, our visit results in a negative experience only, we will refund 50% of the cost. We will not publish the review, or we will publish the truth – this is negotiable.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) Filling out the brief, where you tell in detail about your project. Marking points that should be mentioned in Reels

2) Based on the theses, we think through a detailed scenario: what exactly and how we are filming, what sounds we use, what we write on the frame at that moment, etc.

3) We agree on the scenario with you and make adjustments if necessary.

4) Next, we discuss the date and time of the shooting. If we film a review of an establishment, we also discuss the amount of the deposit.

5) On the scheduled day, we arrive at the location, get acquainted with the project and film a review.

6) Then we write a post, supporting the information about the location with our own impressions. We edit content and prepare stories.

7) We send it for approval. We will make adjustments if needed (3 edits are free). If everything is ok, we publish it.
  • Timing: After the shoot, we put you in the queue and discuss the release date of the advertisement. Usually, it takes around 2 weeks.

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Stories - These are stories where we introduce your brand to our audience using provided materials and information.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) You tell us about your project: briefly describe your brand, the integration's goal, your target audience, and what sets you apart from competitors.

2) You provide several photos and videos.

3) We adapt all received information to the story format and create layouts. Once done, we’ll send you 3-4 storytelling materials for approval.

4) We then make adjustments if needed (3 revisions are free), and if everything is okay, we publish it.
  • Timing: It takes 1-2 days to work on the layouts.

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Additionally, within the month, we release collections that you can be a part of if your project aligns with the collection's theme.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) We get familiar with your project. You fill out a brief where you provide detailed information about your event, highlighting the points that must be mentioned.

2) You send us high-quality photos for potential publication.

3) We write a brief text for the photo card based on the brief.

4) We send you the card for approval.

5) Then if needed we make adjustments (3 revisions are free). If everything is okay, we publish it.
  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Throughout the month, we release thematic collections in Reels format, which involve content creation by our editorial team.

  • The advantage of such a collection is that this Reel is not only shown to the Pike audience but also provides a greater reach.

  • You can be a part of such a collection if your project aligns with the theme.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) We get familiar with your project. You fill out a brief where you provide detailed information about your event, highlighting the points that must be mentioned.

2) Then we agree on the shooting schedule and the deposit amount (100-150 AED depending on the average bill)

3) We send you everything for approval.

4) Then if needed we make adjustments (3 revisions are free). If everything is okay, we publish it.
  • What it looks like:
1) The collection consists of 6-7 projects in your niche. The Reels video itself is around 30 seconds.

2) Each project involves 2 shots from the location (atmosphere and food).

3) The main message about the project is added to the Reels description.
  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Every Friday, we release a collection of events (parties, workshops, exhibitions, promotions, etc.) that will take place over the upcoming weekend.

  • Approximate workflow:
1) We get familiar with your project. You fill out a brief where you provide detailed information about your event, highlighting the points that must be mentioned.

2) Then, you send us high-quality photos for potential publication.

3) We write a brief text for the photo card based on the brief.

4) We send it for your approval.

5) Then we make adjustments if needed (3 revisions are free). If everything is okay, we publish it.
  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Approximate workflow:
1) We get familiar with your project.

2) You fill out a brief, providing detailed information about your project and highlighting the points that should be mentioned in the Telegram post.

3) You send us high-quality photos/videos for potential publication.

4) We write the post text based on the brief and send it for your approval.

5) We make adjustments if needed (3 revisions are free).
  • Timing: 1-2 days when all materials are available (completed brief and photos/videos). The material is published according to the editorial timeline within 1-1.5 weeks

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • Over the course of 4-8 weeks, we publish various news about your project to capture the attention of our entire audience. During our collaboration, the project representative shares all the news, based on which our editorial team creates content about the project.

  • This format is suitable for both new projects in the market and more established ones.

  • If, for some reason, our visit results in a negative experience only, we will refund 50% of the cost. We will not publish the review, or we will publish the truth – this is negotiable.

  • Approximate integration content:
1) Post-review or Reels.

2) Participation in a collection.

3) Stories.

4) Telegram note.
  • In total, there are up to 5 mentions across all Pike's channels. Depends on the objectives of the advertising campaign

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details
  • We can discuss various win-win integration scenarios in a free format. The options can be diverse, and we are always open to ideas and creativity.

  • For example:
1) Hosting a contest on social media.

2) Co-branded merchandise.

3) Offline events, parties.

4) Creating a special menu: compiling references, creative dish names, menu design curation, menu development, organizing a party.

5) And many more possibilities.
the average performance of our posts in this format
Work details

  • Within the framework of Roasting, we:
1) Perform a check-up of your project.

2) Create a wow dish.

3) Arrange a collaboration or event.

4) Develop/update a brand book.

5) Work on your social media.
  • Roasting offers three different packages that vary in the scope of services provided by us and the format of delivery (offline/online).

  • Roasting comes in two formats: online and offline. In the online format, all key aspects are discussed in virtual meetings, and further adjustments are made through messaging apps. In the offline format, Roasting is available in all cities where Pike has a presence. Currently, this includes 8 locations: Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Istanbul, and Dubai.

  • All our collaboration takes place in a completely confidential manner.

  • The cost of the Services is specified in the invoice for payment, the Services are exempt from VAT.
for answers
I want to buy advertising, what are the next steps?
You contact our manager and tell them about your project and your experience in promoting it.

Then we determine your goals, tasks, and desired dates for advertising promotion, and select the most suitable tariffs at the moment.

Next, we set the shooting day (if it's part of the chosen plan), a day for content approval and revisions.*

We send you a contract for signing or an invoice with an offer.
Signing the contract typically takes 1-2 days.
We receive your payment or payment confirmation for 100% of the cost.**

We determine the day and time for the team to come for the shoot (if required by the chosen plan). If no team visit is needed, we simply publish the content according to the plan.***
* Revisions should be specific and clear. Our manager will guide you on the best way to format and submit them so that everyone is comfortable and understands.
The material for publication must be approved on the chosen day. If you anticipate being on vacation or a business trip, please provide the contact information of a person who can do it on your behalf. If you haven't submitted the material within 24 hours before the scheduled publication, we reserve the right to deny your placement. Refunds will not be issued.

** Our editorial team has its own content plan. We recommend paying and reserving spots in advance.

*** Posting day according to the selected plan tariff
Will you share the statistics?
You can always request statistics and coverage results after the advertising integration, across all formats and for all dates.

We would also appreciate detailed feedback from your end after the advertising integration. Please don't hesitate to inform our manager about your experience working with the team and the outcomes achieved in meeting your objectives.
How to understand if my project is suitable for advertising?
We advertise restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, clothing, educational projects, and any other areas that align with our project's mission

We highly value our audience, and if we initially see that it doesn't align with the audience of your project or business, we reserve the right to decline collaboration (but this doesn't happen often!)
What about revisions?
During the material approval process, you, as an advertiser, have three free revisions. After that, each revision costs 50$. To minimize the number of revisions, we provide a brief that helps avoid wasting both your and our time.
Couldn’t find an answer to your question?
Just contact our support, and we'll sort it out!
We are very pleased with the collaboration results. The goal was primarily informational, to showcase/tell about the novelties.

We liked the creative approach and the wide range of channels to work with. The team always helps in selecting the appropriate channel and the optimal placement method based on our needs.
We saw an increase of over 200 people, and this is our most successful advertising integration so far compared to other channels (I think it's because of the content presentation, among other things).

We didn't track sales directly from the integration, but there were many inquiries about our services.
take a look
at these reviews
take a look
at these reviews
We are very pleased with the collaboration results. The goal was primarily informational, to showcase/tell about the novelties.

We liked the creative approach and the wide range of channels to work with. The team always helps in selecting the appropriate channel and the optimal placement method based on our needs.
We saw an increase of over 200 people, and this is our most successful advertising integration so far compared to other channels (I think it's because of the content presentation, among other things).

We didn't track sales directly from the integration, but there were many inquiries about our services.
let’s get started
Get in touch with the commercial manager to discuss all the details and choose the integration format
we’ve already collaborated
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*Meta Platforms Inc. recognized as an extremist organization, its activities in Russia are prohibited.
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